Saturday, October 11, 2014

Worth Quoting #16 George Guthrie

From Read The Bible for Life: Your Guide to Understanding & Living God's Word by George H. Guthrie:
I want to suggest that as we interact with God's Word we too need space in our lives--life space and heart space. In other words we need enough space in our schedules every day to sit, read, and think about the Bible; and we need space in our hearts to take it in and respond to it appropriately. Believe it or not, in about twenty to thirty minutes per day, you can read through the entire Bible in a year. That is life space. But we also need what I call "heart space," especially for those who want to read the Bible to grow spiritually… We need to make more space in our lives to learn how to read the Bible better, space to listen to the Bible daily, and space to respond to it well. In fact, biblical literacy is as much about learning how to respond to the Bible as it is about knowing the details of the Bible's stories… True biblical literacy involves an interaction with the Bible that changes the way one thinks and acts, and that kind of interaction takes time. (11)
© Becky Laney of Operation Actually Read Bible

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